A surfboard stands upright on a beach. It’s facing the ocean’s rolling waves, its tail end dug firmly into the sand. There’s a pattern on the back of the board: two sets of three wave-like lines running horizontally from side-to-side. The lines aren’t exactly symmetrical. The board has three fins near the tail end. One fin is close to the left edge of the board, the second fin is close to the right edge of the board, and the third fin is in the middle.

The secret to a bitchin’ ride

Here’s a poem I wrote during the boys’ annual ice fishing weekend:

Everything in waves.

You laugh in waves.
You cry in waves.
You live and die,
In waves.

It comes in waves.
Heavy and crashing.
Slow and cascading.

In rhythm.
In motion.
Full force.

Everything in waves.


I wrote it thinking about how much is beyond our control.

About going against the current and wasting energy. Fighting the nature of things, sacrificing inner peace.

About acceptance, resilience, and intention.

Follow the flow

Some days you crest the perfect wave with sun on the horizon. 

Some days you’re living free, hanging loose, bombing through the curl.

Then you’re drowning.

Accept it: life is a gremmie. It’s messy, unfair, and unpredictable. It doesn’t care about your plans.

Better to let go of the uncontrollable.

Best to ride the wave where it takes you.

Wade it out

Life rolls up and it crashes down. It rushes forward, slows, and stops.

You peak, you wipeout, you fight for the surface. 

You endure—hightide, lowtide, no tide.

  • Hard work to go beyond the breaker
  • Patience for the right wave
  • Resilience to get back on your board

Wade it out.

Carve your path

Life is vast like the sea. Mostly unknown and master to none.

What’s certain is within you. Your perspectives, opinions, and decisions.

Nothing’s as bad as you think it is. Nothing’s as good, either. Zoom in, zoom out. 

Festina lente—don’t rush, don’t wait. Never take it for granted. Good weather, the perfect wave, breath in your chest.

Life chooses for you, but you still get a choice.

Pick a path. Plot your way.

Focus on what you control. Prepare for what you don’t.

Stay in the pocket

Don’t get clucked.

  1. Accept life’s feral nature: the good, the ugly, and the uncontrollable.
  2. Be resilient through its highs and lows: find strength in patience.
  3. Have a bitchin’ ride: make it your own

Everything in waves.

There are three pencils, each with a broken tip.

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